请问 大师能否把这个代码做一个注释啊? [金字塔]
- 咨询内容:
count = order.ordernum2
for i = 0 to count-1
call order.orderinfo2(index, orderid, consign, filled, remaining, action, ordertype, lmtprice,auxprice, account, code, market)
if ordertype=0 then
order.contract code,market,multiplier,mintick,shortpercent,longpercent
set report1 = marketdata.getreportdata(code,market)
if abs(report1.newprice-lmtprice)>=offset*mintick then
call order.cancelorder(orderid)
if action=0 and kaiping=0 then
order.buy 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
end if
if action=0 and kaiping=1 then
order.sell 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
end if
if action=1 and kaiping=0 then
order.buyshort 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
end if
if action=1 and kaiping=1 then
order.sellshort 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
end if
end if
end if
- 金字塔客服:
Public ExcelApp, iRowNo, iStartPingDuo, iStartPingKong, AccountCountPublic iMultipliter
Sub ORDER_OrderStatusEx2(OrderID, Status, Filled, Remaining, Price, Code, Market, OrderType, Aspect, Kaiping, Account, AccountType) '账户类型 0 IB 1 CTP 2 金仕达 Dim sStatus '成交状态
If AccountType = 0 Then sAccType = "0.IB" ElseIf AccountType = 1 Then sAccType = "1.CTP" ElseIf AccountType = 2 Then sAccType = "2.金士达" End If If AccountType = 0 Then sStatus = "FILLED" ElseIf AccountType = 1 Then sStatus = "TRADEING" ElseIf AccountType = 2 Then sStatus = "FILLED" End If If UCase(Status) = sStatus Then '只跟踪成交的单 WriteTradeLog OrderID, Status, Filled, Remaining, Price, Code, Market, OrderType, Aspect, Kaiping, Account End IfEnd Sub''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Sub WriteTradeLog(OrderID, Status, Filled, Remaining, Price, Code, Market, OrderType, Aspect, Kaiping, AccountCode) Dim i, j Dim sSheetName, TradeSxf On Error Resume Next
If iStartPingDuo = 0 Then iStartPingDuo = 1 End If If iStartPingKong = 0 Then iStartPingKong = 1 End If If Kaiping = 0 Then '开仓 TBUY(1,Filled,Code) Else '平仓 If Aspect = 1 And Kaiping >= 1 Then '平多 End If If Aspect = 0 And Kaiping >= 1 Then '平空 End If End If
End Sub
TBUY(1,Filled,Code) 我想开仓,截获的品种和数量,但是系统提示,这样是不行。请问大神,这个代码要怎么写?
[此贴子已经被作者于2014/10/31 11:43:37编辑过] - 用户回复:
TBUY(1,Filled,Code) 是perl后台语句,不能用在vba代码段中,在vba代码中得用Order对象的buy方法
- 网友回复: 谢谢
可联系技术人员 QQ: 1145508240 进行 有偿 编写!(不贵!点击查看价格!)