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  • 金字塔自带的判断三角形向上突破的一个VBA的范例
  • 转载保留出处 WWW.CXH99.COM


    Function TriangleShape(Formula,Cyc,SCyc,ECyc)
        'msgbox cyc & "-" & scyc & "-" & ecyc
     If Formula.ParentGrid.DataType = 0 or Formula.ParentGrid.CycType = 10 Then
      Exit Function
     End If
     Set History = Formula.ParentGrid.GetHistoryData()
     If History.Count < Cyc+3 Then
      Exit Function
     End If
     If Formula.IndexData < History.Count-1 Then Exit Function
     StartPos = Formula.IndexData - (Cyc+2)
     EndPos = Formula.IndexData-3
     High = History.High(StartPos)
     Low  = History.Low(StartPos)
     For I = StartPos To StartPos+SCyc
      If History.High(I) > High Then
       High = History.High(I)
      End If
      If History.Low(i) < Low Then
       Low = History.Low(I)
      End If
     High2 = History.High(EndPos - ECyc)
     Low2  = History.Low(Endpos-ECyc)
     for i = endpos - ECyc to endpos
      If History.High(I) > High2 Then
       High2 = History.High(I)
      End If
      If History.Low(i) < Low2 Then
       Low2 = History.Low(I)
      End If
     if high2-low2 <= 0 then
      exit function
     end if
     If (High-Low) / (high2-low2) < 2 Then
      Exit Function
     End if
     if high2 > high or low2 < low then
      exit function
     end if
     Slope = (high2-high) / (Endpos-StartPos)
     b = high - slope * startpos
     for i = startpos+SCyc to endpos
      temp = slope * i + b
      price = (history.open(i)+history.close(i))/2
      if temp < price then
       exit function
      end if
     slope = (low2-low) / (endpos - startpos)
     b = low - slope * startpos
     for i = startpos to endpos-3
      temp = slope * i + b
      price = (history.open(i)+history.close(i))/2
      if temp > price then
       exit function
      end if
     if history.close(Formula.IndexData) > high2 then
      TriangleShape = 1
     end if
    End Function



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